Handheld Mini Prom Bouquet


Why take just corsages when you could have trendy prom bouquets instead? This beautiful small bouquet is expertly curated from the freshest flowers in our garden! Each bouquet is individually designed according to your preferences for color, texture, scent and botanicals. "Smells as good as it looks"! Color coordinated ribbon is available.

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Why take just corsages when you could have trendy prom bouquets instead? This beautiful small bouquet is expertly curated from the freshest flowers in our garden! Each bouquet is individually designed according to your preferences for color, texture, scent and botanicals. "Smells as good as it looks"! Color coordinated ribbon is available.

Why take just corsages when you could have trendy prom bouquets instead? This beautiful small bouquet is expertly curated from the freshest flowers in our garden! Each bouquet is individually designed according to your preferences for color, texture, scent and botanicals. "Smells as good as it looks"! Color coordinated ribbon is available.

Seasonal Blooms Arrangement
from $20.00