Why take just corsages when you could have trendy prom bouquets instead? This beautiful small bouquet is expertly curated from the freshest flowers in our garden! Each bouquet is individually designed according to your preferences for color, texture, scent and botanicals. "Smells as good as it looks"! Color coordinated ribbon is available.
The boutonniere expresses simplicity but elegance. It is a streamlined design of the matching corsage. It is typically a small cluster or a single flower pinned to a man’s lapel. The flower color should coordinate with the tie, cummerbund, or vest. Traditionally, the boutonniere should match the corsage in both color and flower selection. One easy way to ensure the two items complement each other is to order them together as the prom package.
This beautiful combination of one corsage or handheld mini bouquet and one boutonniere in your color preference and choice of focal flower. Each element will be conceived to coordinate within your package. The flowers we utilize are chosen based on your color preferences and feature the varieties of flowers that are actively blooming on our farm. Please note if this package should include a corsage or a mini bouquet.
Corsages from fresh cut flowers in season. Each corsage is individually designed according to your preferences for color, texture, scent and botanicals. A color coordinated ribbon is incorporated into the beautiful design to accompany the flowers. Please give your color and botanical preferences when ordering!