Lily Sorbonne Oriental
Named for the famed Université de Paris, this lily oozes sophistication. Tall 42" stems hold five to six candy-pink blooms with contrasting white rims and a heady perfume. The recurved petals and stylish hue create an elegant display in mid borders, cutting gardens and feature beds. Plant in groups for the best pollinator show around.
Named for the famed Université de Paris, this lily oozes sophistication. Tall 42" stems hold five to six candy-pink blooms with contrasting white rims and a heady perfume. The recurved petals and stylish hue create an elegant display in mid borders, cutting gardens and feature beds. Plant in groups for the best pollinator show around.
Named for the famed Université de Paris, this lily oozes sophistication. Tall 42" stems hold five to six candy-pink blooms with contrasting white rims and a heady perfume. The recurved petals and stylish hue create an elegant display in mid borders, cutting gardens and feature beds. Plant in groups for the best pollinator show around.